Addax $8,500
Afghan Urial Ram $8,500
-Ewe (add on) $850
-Trophy (up to 30") $4,950
-Super Trophy (30" plus) $6,000
-Trophy (up to 34") $4,950
-Super Trophy (34" plus) $5,950
Beaver $500
Bison $7,500
Blackbuck $5,500
Black Hawaiian Ram $4,500
Black Wildebeest $16,000
Blesbok $7,950
Blue Wildebeest $9,5000
Bobcat $1,500
Bongo $45,000 plus
Corsican $4,500
Coyote FREE
Dama Gazelle $10,000
Eland $10,000
-Up to 350" $8,500
-350" to 399" $12,500
-400" to 449" $17,500
-450" to 499" $25,000
-500" plus P.O.R.
-Trophy $7,250
-Super Trophy P.O.R.
Gemsbok $10,500
Himalayan Tahr $8,500
Hybrid Ibex $6,500
Jacob's Four Horn $5,500
Kudu $22,500
Mouflon $5,850
MPR Ridge Goat $2,500
Nile Lechwe $16,000
Nilgai $6,000
Nubian Ibex $17,500 plus
Nyala $14,500
Ostrich $5,000
Painted Desert Ram $4,500
Pere David's Deer $9,500
Racka Sheep $4,500
Red Lechwe $9,000
Red Sheep Ram $6,950
Red Stag
-Up to 350" $12,500
-350" to 399" $15,500
-400" to 429" $17,500
-430" to 459" $22,500
-460" to 499" $25,500
-500" plus P.O.R.
Rhea $3,500
Sable $20,000
Scimitar Horned Oryx $7,500
-Dybowski $8,000
-Japanese $6,500
Texas Dall Ram $4,500
Transcaspain Urial Ram $15,500 plus
Waterbuck $9,500
Water Buffalo $7,500
Watusi $7,500
White Buffalo $15,000
Yak $6,000
Zebra $8,250
*All scores and pricing are based upon gross SCI score or measurements
*All Beaver, Bobcat, and Coyote are add-on hunts only
Exotic Rates by Species Gallery